well, it appears that it will be...yet another of those very fine days in sverige.....
i awoke ( late- the hubbie is gone) with my usual cigarette-craving,only to realize that i'd have to "take" that cigarette( bt.w.- that's "swenglish"- to "take" a cigarette instead of to HAVE a cigarette)
out on the veranda in the POURING ,TORRENTIAL RAIN.....
it is truly beyond my comprehension how it could rain so much in any one spot. Heretofore, I had assumed that PERHAPS it might rain this much... oh.... in the RAIN FORESTS of BRAZIL, or even in Merry Old England....but in Sweden? Who knew? And worse yet, at least over here in these parts of this Polar Ice Cap country, it rains MORE where we live - right here in Goteborg( w/ the 2 dots over the 1st O-yeah,yeah....) except possibly so they say IN Boras( ok- 2 dots over the O there too, i know...)
I once met an ex-pat from Greece living in Boras.....adorable, but she was terminally depressed. I thought she'd never be able to make it. and she smoked ,too....in the rain....poor thing.....
Any rate, so I went down and prepared my coffee and decided to TAKE my cigarette on the lower terrace and watch the road out in front of me, as i stood there in the buckets of rain under the awning.....
ya know, i just don't think it affects these people, not the way i think it should anyway...they seem to be going about their day, as if the rain isn't pouring down in sheets at all.
A girl was walking slowly up the street with no umbrella, just a skull cap, seemingly on her way to somewhere, stopped just at the bus stop, stood there, let the bus go by, turned around and slowly began to walk back from whence she came. forgot something? ,exercising- slowly!?!?..
Well, on the other hand, that was quite ODD , i thought. Perhaps the rain HAD done something to her.....
but otherwise, things go on.....people drive about going on with their days, grandma next door is making breakfast in her kitchen - a rare sighting of life from her..she's a bit quiet...
but, I just cannot understand it. Nine million people put up with this SHIT in this country( never mind you that i secretly suspect that the rest of the scandinavian countries also are similarly afflicted......)
NINE MILLION PEOPLE put up with this weather -and worse- after all THIS IS HIGH SUMMER in SWEDEN.
Now, that's the same FEW NINE MILLION that speak this language that at best classifies it only as a "minor language" in the grand scheme of languages.....but...
i think it's a helluva a lot too many people to put up with what has proven itself to me as one CRAP WEATHER SYTEM!- day in, day out, week after week, month after month, year after miserable year.....
I wanted to scream at everybody from the terrace there- "RUN! GET OUT! There is BETTER WEATHER elsewhere!"
Just because your MAMMA, and your MORFOR and your FORMORFOR and your WHATEVER ( that's all the ancestors) all the way back to the GREAT VIKINGS ( that's pronounced WY-KINGS to you and me, btw!) all have put up with this:
whats more, i'm sure many other countries have asylum packages for people from shit weather places ( or at least they should, what with global warming and all, i'm sure such international policies aren't too far down the pike)
In short, it appeared to be another stellar day outside and I was off to have FIKA with a friend in the afternoon- in this dreck, oh boy!....
so, I returned inside, which brings me to the object of the posted pix above. I turned around into my lovely apartment only to recall and remind myself that INSIDE looked little better! There was STUFF everywhere- in the dining room, in the living room, piled ,oh, about chest high in substantial chunks.
Now this was SIXTEN's fault - so i introduce you to "Sixten"- my husband's youngest son that has recently moved in with us. (When informed he might be the subject ocassionally in my new blog - but he had the chance to go undercover with a fake name- he decided to select his own-)
so-"Sixten" it is- apparently an old swedish name from way back- most unusual. he claims "few are named that now"- and i tend to agree. But, I like a guy that can step up to the plate with his own surrogate name and be proud of it.
SO SIXTEN it is. Kinda cool...but i digress.
Sixten received last night from his Momma's home in Karlskrona- the remaining items of his things that he had not brought over a month ago back when he moved in. Informed originally that it was a sofa and a twin bed( all of which we had prepared for)-oh and -"a box or two"- it appears to be "substantially" more than that. While i haven't counted - it is somewhere above the low estimate of "three" which Sixten claimed but below the "TWENTY"/"SJUGO" claimed by his Momma..
nonetheless-it's still alot of stuff- and not having a better "STUFF" photo than the one i have posted here of me in my former storage unit in Queens, i 'd have to say the simiarities of that picture and what my dining and living rooms look like now are pretty striking.....
so, it looks to be "one of those days" in sverige.....
but, if there was ever a LESSON LEARNED: today it's PATIENCE. Trust me,Sixten, I've been there before, so I will have PATIENCE. Get it put up ....preferably SOON, if you need storage space, let me know...
but I will have patience ....at least until POPS( the hubbie) comes home tomorrow night. THen IF HE chooses to have PATIENCE- that's his own business..but he can speak to me about that.....
so SWEDISH words for the day are:
- REGN-' that's all that "precipitation" hitting the roof right now.... that's a primary word around here- at least it sounds pretty similar. trust me- this is one you learn early on....
- SAKER- that's "things"/"stuff"- and that's another word that my life at least has been all about for the past six years or so...so i get that...never mind I have to remember it by remembering SAKs FIFITH AVENUE- ( but their "stuff" i like at least....)
- TALAMOD- WITH a DOT over the A- that's PATIENCE. and that's what today is going to have to be full of.....
and if by God's good graces- he can give me ENOUGH TALAMOD( with the dot over the A) to deal with the REGN and the SAKER....
well, i may just make it through another of just "one of those days' i sverige!!
at least i kinda like the way it sounds: TALAMOD, TALAMOD, TALAMOD...( with the friggin' DOT , natch!.....)
I know it isn't funny in the least but you gave me a laugh with it. My new mantra when Henrik's mother comes home from Finland carrying every kind of crap possible will be, "God give me the patience to deal with all the stuff that I would much rather throw out into the rain."
and at least there is plenty of rain!.....even when the TALAMOD is in SHORT supply!!
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