Weeelllll......"that WAS good!"- to coin the SINGLE most often used swenglish phrase that is spoken in my house-( and the one that most often makes the hair rise on the back of my neck!)- this is usually spoken after the first bite into dinner- "That WAS good".....meaning IS, but due to some lexiconigalistical manner of the swedish language it is uttered: that WAS good....( and the subject of a whole other posting!)
LEXICONIGALISTIC!?!? COOL ,huh?!?! that's KarenSpeak!!!
but already I DIGRESS!!!!
What I mean by "that WAS good"- was that meeting yesterday with -The Director of Creative Services.
She loved the concept of the store- she DUG it , in fact. Very encouraging but brief meeting that will leave Laney and I quite a bit of work to do!
OH and BTW!- the Director of Creative Services- really is a Director of Creative Services- Whatcha know 'bout dat one!?She clued me in to a "whole other set " of people that I now have to speak to.....but that's great.
Now , HER idea was that once the idea is fleshed out-that we could acutally get a whole DIVISION - STORE CHAIN - in fact-"sold" to a major swedish company here and get said company to back me on it all....I would maintain Creative Directorship and have the support of a bigger company behind me....hmmmmm.....hadn't thought of that one ...yet....my first thought is how does one eventually free oneself of that once you are up and flying( cue in: a really good American contract negotiator!)
So it can be cautiously stated that Miss Director of Creative Services has a BRAIN- and a good one,too!
I'm diggin' this. I'm beginning to cautiously feel like a may have EN VINNARE on my hands here! - i mean somewhere down a very long,very SKRAMMANDE road here,but....
for today, I'll give myself this:
I am -(in swedish)- :försiktigt optimistis.
and-HEY LOOK THERE! By literally copying that term out of Google Translator: i got the DOTS!
LESSON for the SOUL: now if I can JUST BE "cautiously optimistic" and not my usual WILDLY OPTIMISTIC- which is my true nature ....but, that's way too LAGOM for ME ,right? or is that what this "big journey" is all about!?....
so-SWEDISH WORD( s) of the DAY: försiktigt optimistis-(oops ! WOW! I did it again!)and that means CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC- and that is what I am today-
.....and God help my natural tendancies- that's ALL I will be.......
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