there are few phrases better than Mammy's line in Gone With the Wind:
"It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin'.."
(..now this was when she was making a comment about another of Scarlett's notorious liasons or something like that...)
but that line came out of my mouth ( and out loud too!) this morning as I was standing on the BALKONG- feeling the 58F teperature on the 29th of August here - looking at the trees trying to determine if that slight yellowish tinge that I am starting to see on the trees REALLY IS WHAT I HOPE it ISN'T-
"It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin' !"
Yes, in Polar Ice Cap country here- it is FIRCKIN' FRACKIn' Mudder F@&^$' --------TIME FOR-----
FALL!!!!! aghhhhh....
Hiding back inside-as I look out, my big huge heavy as hell balcony umbrella just blew over....
o GAWD- the gig is soooooo up.....
depression knows no depths like a woman who was raised on the Gulf Coast of Texas to have to endure a SUMMER as short as this.....
I am and will always be "a summer child". I will always and forever think that it is perfectly normal to be wearing shorts and running around outside on my birthday ( which is the 28th of December.) -to those of you Down Under people that's "winter" on this top of the Planet.....In my heart, I always want that....
yes, I admit it- a year round summer- is just fine by me....never you mind that I've actually spent very few years of my life actually in that type of climate- but I sure do like the idea of it......
the other problem is is that I LOVE summer clothes: I love light flippy dresses, tan skin showing, bikinis and sexy footwear that shows nicely tended toe-nails.....( okay never you mind that I am a closeted foot-fetishist)
(oh-and the shoe thing - well , that's a whole other post for another day around here -being as Swedes have an aversion to wearing shoes one nanno-second longer than they have to upon walking into a door way.....)
.....fat chance I can even wear HALF of my summer wardrobe around here. I "joke" to my husband that I have to change clothes every 3 hours here in the summer just to wear all of my summer clothes at least once in a season.....but it's true....
....and I don't know if that says more about the size of my summer wardrobe vs. what it says about the SHORT duration of "summer"- ( and i use that term loosely)- around here. Suffice it to say- I think it says quite a bit about both......
So as I sit INSIDE today- looking at the SUNNY FRICKIN' FRACKIN' CHILLY EARLY FALL day out there
-and as I glance around thinking about what to rearrange here or there and noticing the slightest Dust Bunny Accumulation in the corner....
.....( and as I seem to be in a movie quotin' mood today....).... I am reminded of another favourite line of mine from another favourite movie of mine-
That Former Texas Girl's Cult Classic:
" Shit , Bill, y'all live like pigs!...."
( as Bill's Aunt surveyed the interior of his too filthy trailer....)
I just LOVE that line ! It makes me LOL every single time it comes into my head....
now- I'm goin' on record here to say- NO- we don't live like pigs- not at all- but - i could dust a bit- and I'm quite sure the hubbie is just ITCHIN' to vacuum attack those Dust Bunnies here on the weekend again.....
suddenly --I've got a hankerin' to do what you are supposed to do when FALL hits suddenly and you realize the gig is so totally up:
it's TIME to NEST! ( and ok- clean up - a bit.)
Besides- damn! I just really like that line!.....giggle giggle....
so Lesson for the Soul today: Learn to accept the fact that you live on the Polar Ice Cap- learn to accept with grace when the "gig is up"- instead of walking around the house screechin' - "I'm so frickin' COLD " all day long, in that divinely passive-aggressive way I have of reminding my dear husband that he really did drag me off to a Semi-Unfit Place for Habitation.....And learn to enjoy and savour whatever it is that you have to do for the next 9 months til this season begins to come around again.....
NEST, NEST, NEST - and be happy.....
Swedish word for the DAY-
Heck let's do a few here:
- HÖST- yep! that's Autumn in these' here parts. Weird word, huh? just weird- ya gotta wonder how they came up with that one....
and because it's just really gonna tickle my funny bone to figure this out:
- Fan, Bill, levande ni som svin!! <<<<< that's the "Shit, Bill... " line- in case you didn't figure it out!
(Now..... I knew the word "FAN" -but I didn't know how to SPELL it!!!! FAN!?!?? FAN!?!?! )
OKAYYYY!!!...now that's REALLY LOL funny!!!!!!-
FAN for SHIT- huh? FAN for SHIT!?!? .....it makes HÖST seem kinda normal ,huh!?!?.....
man-o-man.....it's gonna be a LONGGGGG ASSSSS WINTER at this rate......(and.... i'll save THAT translation for another day!)
The whole "shoes off" concept both intriges and entertains me. The process is akin to a Formula One pit stop. Laces are loosened some time leading up to the door, and the lead foot is already bursting free while the back foot is still outside of the door. I'm sure there's been a psychological study done somewhere on the phenomenum. Every so often I like to toy with the natives by taking a few stps across the hallowed turf of the inner sanctum before kicking off my shoes. Just to watch the expressions of horror and disbelief.
Love it! You'd think they are frickin' Japanese or sumtin'.
and this gives me a reminder for my blog ! thanks!
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