Sometimes the answer to your own problems lie right under your nose.....( or perhaps... downstairs in your own house)
it came to me one afternoon earlier in the week here as I was busy pouring through lists of swedish verbs to memorize upstairs on my BALKONG-( aka BALCONY).......
that right downstairs ..... the answers to my troubles may indeed lie.
and I mean literally- "LIE"-right there in front of the TV, multi-tasking both his Minimum Daily Requirements of Jerry Springer and Facebook.....
It suddenly dawned on me in my frustration of cramming TALA-TALAR-TALADE-TALAT.....(aka to SPEAK, SPEAKING, SPOKE, HAVE SPOKEN)......
that SIXTEN had something that I wanted and could desperately use:
SIXTEN has FULL MASTERY of the SWEDISH language....
and obviously-I do........ NOT!
hmmmmmm....i may not have been a parent before to understand the workings of a 19 year old brain, but i had been a 19 year old and recalled very clearly to negotiate HIM GIVING me WHAT I wanted- it was going to have to involve some Kroner-a.k.a.-SEK ( or..... the swedish version of this:$- that still comes up on my American keyboard! this$$$$$ !)
.......after Spousal Negotiations and all- and an Approach and Agreement by Sixten-
all were agreed:
At Home Svenska Classes were to commence....
So , my dear friends- THE GREAT EXPERIMENT - aka DEN STORA EXPERIMENT has begun......
I ask you:
Can a cynical middle aged stubborn American( me...) learn swedish from a 19 year old Swedish male with thoughts only of conquering the world while munching on popcorn and writing on Facebook!?
Well ,least you think we would make it this far; WE are on DAY #2 already!
Works as such:
MONDAG til FRIDAG, in the MORNING- ( which gets us both going) the UNLIKELY DUO meets for Class.
Teach comes up with game plan, Student does homework ,writes a diary every day. Teach checks all this and simultaneously urges me on to greater knowledge of the "Language of VAD KUL".....
.....and, in turn he gets paid at the end of the month for doing so....by Hubbie,Pops, da Boss......
good news is, I think I've picked up a thing or two already.......
Right now we are working on a list of 20 BASIC but CRUCIAL VERBS that are integral in the "WATK":
to CLEAN- att STADA( with 2 dots over the A)
to SAY- att SAGA ( with 2 dots over the 1st A)
to NEED- att BEHOVA ( with 2 dots over the O)
and one a girl can never do without:
So far , so good.At least I have the weekend now to do my homework! ( whew!)
Lesson for the Soul: Don't be afraid of turning over a rock. Sometimes there's something good under it.
Swedish WORD for the DAY- How 'bout this: I'm just going to go out whole hog on a limb here and make a sentence! ( see how much I have learned already!)
Jag laga mat, jag stada huset och jag säger det om och om igen:
Alla jag behöver och vill ha lite R-E-S-P-E-K-T!
( so I'm missing a couple of DOTS here and there- but it's the best I could do with GOOGLE Translator!OK!?)
all to say in ENGELSKA;
I cook( the food) , I clean( the house) and I say it over and over again:All I need and want is a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
.....works for me!- so far.....
however, already "at school" this morning.......Teach was asking when he was getting paid......
for that,I told him to check with the Boss...
1 comment:
Well look at you Google translating your way to partial fluency and using Sixteen to get the other part. Good on you for using the resource available to you right downstairs.
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