It has occurred to me, in my recently acquired status as a "Domestic Goddess" in a family of a second time married husband and his 19 year old son.....( woops! while I wasn't looking- was that a demotion or what there!?)
it has occured to me-that there are signs I could post all over the house to whip this house into adhering a bit more in accordance with the guidelines of " the world according to Karen". (the WATK Guidelines)
That way I don't have to come off like a nagging _____( fill in the blank...)....and/or continue to get myself frustrated everytime I find things not according to the way I would like them.
THE SIGNS are to be POSTED in SWEDISH- thus bolstering my ability to further learn how to speak this elusive language.....I write in English and translate.....
warning- I finished this post on Saturday. Asking the husband for the littlest bit of help on the 9 RULES that I had initially established- He BALKED at me posting this at all -thought it was so "negative" that I really needed to get a grip. ( I ask you , my friends, what is more negative than putting someone else's dirty dishes in the dishwasher for them- or cleaning up the bathroom sink AFTER someone else?)
So against my Darling Husband's request- this is still going to get published. But due to that- I'll only publish the 3 things that have made me most crazy..... today.....3 hours after wake-up time....
I think it's a great exercise- I vent- AND I learn Swedish in the meantime! YES- I am SURE some of the SWEDISH translation is WRONG! That's actually the object of this exercise! I actually look on this as an advantage- POSTED in BAD SWEDISH -they'll really get attention - no!?!? I am armed only with :a.) my limited knowledge of Swedish andb.) only with my CHILD'S SWEDISH to ENGLISH dictionary......readers' versed in swedish may please-CORRECT AWAY!!!
HERE ARE TOP 3 SIGNS I'd LIKE TO POST TODAY -in my house- and in no particular order.....
- ( to be posted on the dishwasher) IF THE DISHES are CLEAN -please PUT THEM AWAY OM FATEN AR RENLIG-LAGG ( with 2 dots over the A) UNDAN DEM, ,TACK.
- ( in all bathrooms) FREQUENT CLEANING of SINK ALLOWED- and ENCOURAGED.....( see sponge within arms reach of this notification) VANLIG PUTSA I HANDFAT AR LATA( WITH A DOT OVER THE 1ST A) OCH UPPMUNTRA ( TITTA TVATTSVAMP-with 2 dots over the 1st a- NARA DIN ARM FRAN HAR)
- THE SINK IS NOT THE PLACE FOR DIRTY DISHES- THE DISHWASHER IS. It is a MERE 36 cm from the SINK. USE IT. THANKS. DISKBANK( with 2 dots over the A) AR INTE PLATZ FOR SMUTSIG TALLRIKER. DET AR BARA 36 CM FROM BANKEN TIL DIN VENSTAR OCH NEDAN. ANVENDAR DET. TACK. okay, maybe I left some dots and stuff off, but I looked it all up and well..... that's the best I can do....And I have 6 more at lest I'm holding in escrow- for my "next vent"- and you can believe in a Swedish household one or two has something to do with that NASTY collection of shoes right inside the door that you trip over constantly.....
LESSON FOR MY SOUL: hmmmmm.....sometimes,it just feels so good to VENT!!!!( haha! how's THAT!?!?)
the OFFICIAL WORD of the DAY: STADA- ( with 2 dots over the fist "A")- that' means to CLEAN- which contrary to popular opinion on the hubbie's behalf- i think- I DO A LOT OF !!!
NOW- if I just had the "BALLS" to really hang these signs up!? what?!?!---TESTIKLAR!?! oh COME ON.....
note to self: for REAL translation of "BALLS"n- I'll ask the hubbie....later....
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