Here i go! / MUMS!
feeling no sense of any GREATER sense of "loss-of-place" in this world than I have on any other day over the past 1 1/2 years since landing this side of the Pond, i decided to start this blog.
this blog is PERSONAL. It is about me and my life- the ups , the downs, the lessons learned -or not, my stubborness and my seeming reluctance to conform to a society that I now live in, my past life, my present life and my future...
and how ALL of that is relating to where am now: Sweden-
a.k.a.: the polar opposite of New York City -
as far as I can make out.....and that isn't makin' me too happy.....
While I do love and enjoy many things: (I am an aesthetics freak, I am an artist and designer in everything i do-)- a beautiful flower, a great gin and tonic with LIME, a fabulous old portrait,a sexy curve on a chair leg,traveling to gorgeous spots,smelly cheese, etc...
-I also find perhaps too many things that I don't like around here- that balk at me for whatever reason. Not a soul in my life is unfortunately immune from my complaints and assorted disgruntlements....
however,I do believe that, in short, God put you right here in the seat you are in now- reading this, even -for some reason. I am convinced of few things in my life,that life is a pre-determined play and all you have to do is to "be in it and live it out." beyond that, it's just up to you to figure it all out and learn from it- or not.
Sunday was one of those days that reaffirmed all this to me loud and clear: with my new life in Sweden, I find myself, often doing things I never imagined that I would be doing. Sunday.... was one of those days.
Now, this was a slow methodical process.
And understand that as a person I am about one thing:
Is there a lesson learned: sure-a huge one SIMPLICITY. GENUINE-NESS. ENJOYING the SIMPLE things in LIFE. NOT needing the perfect fresh veggies from the farmers market that tasted doubly good becuase they were from that really charming stand.
Swedish word of the day:- (I'll start off with a positive!)
While I do love and enjoy many things: (I am an aesthetics freak, I am an artist and designer in everything i do-)- a beautiful flower, a great gin and tonic with LIME, a fabulous old portrait,a sexy curve on a chair leg,traveling to gorgeous spots,smelly cheese, etc...
-I also find perhaps too many things that I don't like around here- that balk at me for whatever reason. Not a soul in my life is unfortunately immune from my complaints and assorted disgruntlements....
"Till example:"
- Taking a queue number in the "fanciest" store in town to buy a Xmas gift for a relative,
- plastic knives that just HAVE to be used for morning buttering of the smorgas- when I have perfectly lovely silver ones at free disposal..etc...
however,I do believe that, in short, God put you right here in the seat you are in now- reading this, even -for some reason. I am convinced of few things in my life,that life is a pre-determined play and all you have to do is to "be in it and live it out." beyond that, it's just up to you to figure it all out and learn from it- or not.
Sunday was one of those days that reaffirmed all this to me loud and clear: with my new life in Sweden, I find myself, often doing things I never imagined that I would be doing. Sunday.... was one of those days.
I found myself,( no longer chilling to the strians of the Boston symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood with a carefully selected bottle of wine ).....but instead staying inside on a WEEKEND SUMMER DAY-with the hubbie and his son: making kanel-bullar( aka : cinnamon rolls )......PARDON MY LACK OF DOTS!
I must admit to developing some kind of affection for the Swedish kanel-bullar here-primarily becuse they are not the gynormous steroided, sugar banks with the smell that permeates an entire steroid-sized mall in Anywhere, U.S.A.( not that i never succumbed to a few of those in my past life).My husband had promised to make me some while on holiday and today- with the usual-"less-than-stellar-weather" - was that time.
I must admit to developing some kind of affection for the Swedish kanel-bullar here-primarily becuse they are not the gynormous steroided, sugar banks with the smell that permeates an entire steroid-sized mall in Anywhere, U.S.A.( not that i never succumbed to a few of those in my past life).My husband had promised to make me some while on holiday and today- with the usual-"less-than-stellar-weather" - was that time.
Now, this was a slow methodical process.
And understand that as a person I am about one thing:
I want instant gratification.
When the husband pulled out the YEAST( which he pronounced JEESHT)- I realized we were in for the long haul....these suckers had to RISE TWO times. They had to be rolled out, sprinkled with goo, smeared with butter, glossed with egg....It was a long ,slow ,methodical process.
All this on a SUNDAY afternoon!!
Were they worth it? oh yeah.... I ate, oh, probably 10 of them that day -in total.
When the husband pulled out the YEAST( which he pronounced JEESHT)- I realized we were in for the long haul....these suckers had to RISE TWO times. They had to be rolled out, sprinkled with goo, smeared with butter, glossed with egg....It was a long ,slow ,methodical process.
All this on a SUNDAY afternoon!!
Were they worth it? oh yeah.... I ate, oh, probably 10 of them that day -in total.
The thing that was rockin' my little world- is this simple activity was IT- for SUNDAY- (well, no, later we managed a bar-be-que upstairs under the awning in the drizzling rain.) but that was the big event for the afternoon.
and yes- adding insult to injury- it was all followed up with the hubbie's almost genetically pre-disposed desire to vacuum- which was done- of course- the sounds from a vacuum cleaner there on my sunday afternoon-( I'm not a slob- but to know me is to know I detest the sound of a vacuum cleaner )because there were "bits ALL OVER the floor" that couldn't be tracking throughout the house.Grumble, grumble- someday , I swear I'm going to serve everyone DINNER on the floor here..( I digress...)
Is there a lesson learned: sure-a huge one SIMPLICITY. GENUINE-NESS. ENJOYING the SIMPLE things in LIFE. NOT needing the perfect fresh veggies from the farmers market that tasted doubly good becuase they were from that really charming stand.
Well- that - and I know if i eat 10 of these a day- I'll get FAT. ( but that lesson I knew already.)
One last thing: this blog is about another thing- I have to learn SWEDISH and the sooner the better-
SO EVERY POST- one Swedish word. Here's an easy one- a freebie- to START:
Swedish word of the day:- (I'll start off with a positive!)
MUMS! ( but that's a given- I already knew that one.) It means -"really yummy"-primarily for kiddoes- but I like the word - and damn it- if something tastes good: I like to use it!
MUMS!!!!!!- and another kanel-bullar... MUMS!!!
1 comment:
Welcome to wonderful world of blogging. The world can now watch you embrace your life in Sweden while also watching you hash out and recant stories about going crazy just to stay sane. I wonder why nobody has invented "Blog Showers" for new Blogers or "Blogaversaries".
P.S. The number thing is just Special. They have perfected it to an art. Now they have 5 different "Nummerlapp" when you walk into some places so you have to take a number to the right line, department or level of hell. And if you don't...they will send you back to the beginning to punch a different button for a new number. I am almost sure that somewhere in a far hotter place, there are evil Swedes who hear nothing but, "I'm sorry. This is the wrong type of Number. This is "Hot Pokers." You want the slip for "Hot coals" Please go back and a take a new one" all day long.
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