god help me, but it's time.......yes, even in sweden,( or more likely it was italy that tipped me OVER the scale....) i can put on some extra weight and have to head back to Weight Watchers....( pix posted is of a day that I really felt really "plumpy" in italy- it's a motivation shot!)
i mean it's not god-awful yet- and ,i can still barely fit into my clothes at this point....and I mean barely....but it's that extra "baggage" above the pants YEECH! ( wonder what the word for "muffin top" is in swedish!?) and the tighter bras-
- and I SEE the SCALES- I still weigh myself in pounds-on my US scale....and it's a bit more dramatic to see those numbers creep up!......and as I said-this blog is entirely personal-so - if I'M upset about MY weight then I do something about it!!!
...how i long to smack my hip bone on a cabinet shelf again and say"DAMN! that hurt!" I haven't noticed that pain in quite a while.....DRATS!
Now one wonders how to go about this- .....over here....
The key I suspect might lie in the swedish word( s) of the day -posted above:
VIKT VIKTARNA ( yes, a damn double dot thang over the first "A" there..)
-at least when I google WEIGHT WATCHERS - SWEDEN- this is seemingly what I come up with this page called:
VIKT VIKTARNA- and not a damn word in engelska on the site......
but it seems right:
-I see what I suspect are the usual Weight Watcher motivation stories:
till example-
a story about "BRITA- who "gick ner 37 kilo"- hell lady that's 87 US pounds!!!!
yep- I suspect -I 've found Weight Watchers-this is the place for me!
And having done Weight Watcher's some years back when i was headed this direction..- I know it works. It's one of the all-time great organizations out there.
Now, I could " do it" on line- but I hold little store in that- I truly don't need one more excuse to be on this computer any more than I currently am....the reclusive ex-pat must get out.
So- I suppose when I get the GUMPTION up- and it better be soon- I'm just going to head off and go try one of those swedish meetings- all in swedish - and loose some damn weight.
I mean - how much am I going to miss? I know the schtick already:
- you head in to the meeting, ( pee first!) strip off everything that you can and wait in the weigh -in line. Get the discouraging ( or occassionally ENCOURAGING number handed to you!)
- Sit down, listen to ( swedish ) motivational speaker, (and let your eyes wonder about the room and make your internal snarky remarks about how" this one isn't going anywhere fast!' " that one: "I wonder how she's doing it?" "That one, well she's hopeless"-) I never listened to the speaker before- hearing it in a foreign language isn't exactly going to get me started now...
- hopefully meet a few other people - those that might speak english with me....
- speak a few words of encouragmeent to each other and be on our merry ways back to battle our own personal struggles with canel bullar,POTATIS and swedish boredom and food.....
did i tell you, i don't really even like the food over here that much? i mean if i'd moved to france or italy or this happened back home in New York, i might even understand it better...but to have put on WEIGHT in SWEDEN!?_ I don't quite get it....
but i've apparently been eating something....
HIGH on the LIST of SUSPECTS that have been doin' this to me are the following:
- all those mayonnaise and WHITE sauces -which I don;t even LIKE!!...
- POTATIS all the frickin' time-
- YES- admitedly, my recent obsession with CANEL BULLAR-
- AND FIKA with FRIENDS- that's a KILLER!!( yesterday's LEMON MERINGUE PIE was NOT the way to go!)
besides- if I go to a VIKT VAKTARNA meeting- I might actually improve my swedish- NOW this could be a win-win situation!...
so- there's no lesson really today that is helping me to "find my soul" per-se- (unless it lies somewhere under this general plumpness that I have acquired)- except perhaps to SAY SOMETHING and TO DO IT!
and so it is: VIKT VAKTARNA-it is- I looked it up in the dictionary -that's it WEIGHT WATCHERS !
now if I can ask the hubbie later what the swedish word for "MUFFIN TOP" is- that might really be all the encouragement that i need...
Hej Karen. Love your blog ! What I can not understand is how Swedes can eat so much and still look half starved. Me, I've accepted the fact that I'm going to die in this land, from fika overdose.
there must be some Specially Arranged Swedish Dispensation Package that they don't put on weight w/ an "Official Fika Snack" or OD on strong coffee.....that you are only entitled to IF you are of direct Swedish descent. Otherwise, the phenomenon you are discussing- I agree- i 'm stymied myself! thanks for the words of encouragement! Love your blog back there!
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