gee! I don't know how it happened even! but I'm in a GOOD MOOD!
don't let it shock you or anything- and I'm trying to figure out why....
not in any particular order here, lest the hubbie at #5 gets pissed !
let's just REVIEW what's goin' on here.....
- fabulous gorgeous morning on the BALKONG- ok so it feels like a gorgeous early FALL day - and it's only the 22nd of AUGUST, but man! I love my balcony , I LOVE my gorgeous view with HUGE trees, apple trees in the neighbors yard, BUCOLIA HEAVEN!
- because SMHI predicted a CRAPPY CLOUDY day- and ( so far) they were SOOOOOO WRONG!
- because SOUTHERN NIGHT last nite was fabulous- the Swedish Sector loved the Chicken Fried Steak-( thanks to Kara- one of my "readers" here for suggesting that one! ) YUMMMM!!!
- because OLIVIA and i had a really lovely chat yesterday on SKYPE-she calls from work mid day for her from NY- usually while I'm fixing dinner or having cocktails..... WOW! we figured out we've known each other 19 YEARS!- masterminded at least 2 EMPIRES ( even if they haven't come to fruition YET), done some FUN SURPRISE B'DAY bashes together,eaten a gadbillion dinners together, done Venice togheter even!, have had a lot of general fun and good times that have given us a really FABULOUS FRIENDSHIP- and we hope yet to still conquer the world together!!!! Love ya and miss you too Olivia!!! XOXO!!
- oh- because I have the most wonderful husband in the world- that makes living in Stallin's Backyard -aka The Dark Side of Pluto- ALL WORTHWHILE....."I LUV MY HUBBIE!!!!"
- because it's Saturday morning and the rest of the weekend is out before us
- because i've already made some great friends over here- even if one of them is jumping ship this week back to the US- at least there's skype!
- a Woody Allen movie tonight to remind me of home
- i have a PLACE that I love to live in- a BARN RED kitchen I love, a new sitting area in my bedroom that should hold me through the winter...- all my things here that I really love - things yet to "fix"- but that's just "future fun"!
- laundry that's done for now
- a "future business " here ahead of me!?!? t.b.d.!!
and to coin Letterman- the #1 reason I'm so damn happy : The BUG that kept kicking me off of Facebook all morning miraculously fixed itself and WHEW! I'm back in action....
..now that could have been catastrophic and caused this entire Rare Joyous Posting- to not even happen!!!
mostly-and with no number attached to it:
mostly because sometimes I like just being a SAP like this and thinkin' the world is such a groovy place!!
and.... I'm OLD ENOUGH not to give a rats' ass if anyone thinks i'm simply on drugs, got laid, sniffed glue, or won the lottery, gone off the deep end .....or not!
LESSON for the SOUL- ENJOY! ENJOY ! ENJOY! You may not have everything or even everything that you want or even think you NEED- but right now - it's ALL GOOD!!!
now,don't mind me while I hop off of here and go enjoy the moment!.....ain't no one, INGENTING( nothin'!), stopping me today!!!-except that really grey cloud over there!!!!GRRRRR!!
BACK OFF!!!!!!!
Major congrats for top reporting of a top day. You're quite right in your thinking that life's as good as you want it to be. Even on my grumpiest days, that always shines through. And hey, this life is still better than the left I left. Vad bra !
yeah,bloomin' miracle ,huh!? LOL! Yep- for all my complaining- I really am a pretty positive person, deep down here somewhere!
Let's see if this continues!! Loved your Report Card post, btw! I thin it may have been that alone that got me to thinking a bit and realizing that even on the BALKONG on a cool Autumn day in AUGUST- there really is a lot to be thankful for!
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