there are few phrases better than Mammy's line in Gone With the Wind:
"It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin'.."
(..now this was when she was making a comment about another of Scarlett's notorious liasons or something like that...)
but that line came out of my mouth ( and out loud too!) this morning as I was standing on the BALKONG- feeling the 58F teperature on the 29th of August here - looking at the trees trying to determine if that slight yellowish tinge that I am starting to see on the trees REALLY IS WHAT I HOPE it ISN'T-
"It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin' !"
Yes, in Polar Ice Cap country here- it is FIRCKIN' FRACKIn' Mudder F@&^$' --------TIME FOR-----
FALL!!!!! aghhhhh....
Hiding back inside-as I look out, my big huge heavy as hell balcony umbrella just blew over....
o GAWD- the gig is soooooo up.....
depression knows no depths like a woman who was raised on the Gulf Coast of Texas to have to endure a SUMMER as short as this.....
I am and will always be "a summer child". I will always and forever think that it is perfectly normal to be wearing shorts and running around outside on my birthday ( which is the 28th of December.) -to those of you Down Under people that's "winter" on this top of the Planet.....In my heart, I always want that....
yes, I admit it- a year round summer- is just fine by me....never you mind that I've actually spent very few years of my life actually in that type of climate- but I sure do like the idea of it......
the other problem is is that I LOVE summer clothes: I love light flippy dresses, tan skin showing, bikinis and sexy footwear that shows nicely tended toe-nails.....( okay never you mind that I am a closeted foot-fetishist)
(oh-and the shoe thing - well , that's a whole other post for another day around here -being as Swedes have an aversion to wearing shoes one nanno-second longer than they have to upon walking into a door way.....)
.....fat chance I can even wear HALF of my summer wardrobe around here. I "joke" to my husband that I have to change clothes every 3 hours here in the summer just to wear all of my summer clothes at least once in a season.....but it's true....
....and I don't know if that says more about the size of my summer wardrobe vs. what it says about the SHORT duration of "summer"- ( and i use that term loosely)- around here. Suffice it to say- I think it says quite a bit about both......
So as I sit INSIDE today- looking at the SUNNY FRICKIN' FRACKIN' CHILLY EARLY FALL day out there
-and as I glance around thinking about what to rearrange here or there and noticing the slightest Dust Bunny Accumulation in the corner....
.....( and as I seem to be in a movie quotin' mood today....).... I am reminded of another favourite line of mine from another favourite movie of mine-
That Former Texas Girl's Cult Classic:
" Shit , Bill, y'all live like pigs!...."
( as Bill's Aunt surveyed the interior of his too filthy trailer....)
I just LOVE that line ! It makes me LOL every single time it comes into my head....
now- I'm goin' on record here to say- NO- we don't live like pigs- not at all- but - i could dust a bit- and I'm quite sure the hubbie is just ITCHIN' to vacuum attack those Dust Bunnies here on the weekend again.....
suddenly --I've got a hankerin' to do what you are supposed to do when FALL hits suddenly and you realize the gig is so totally up:
it's TIME to NEST! ( and ok- clean up - a bit.)
Besides- damn! I just really like that line!.....giggle giggle....
so Lesson for the Soul today: Learn to accept the fact that you live on the Polar Ice Cap- learn to accept with grace when the "gig is up"- instead of walking around the house screechin' - "I'm so frickin' COLD " all day long, in that divinely passive-aggressive way I have of reminding my dear husband that he really did drag me off to a Semi-Unfit Place for Habitation.....And learn to enjoy and savour whatever it is that you have to do for the next 9 months til this season begins to come around again.....
NEST, NEST, NEST - and be happy.....
Swedish word for the DAY-
Heck let's do a few here:
- HÖST- yep! that's Autumn in these' here parts. Weird word, huh? just weird- ya gotta wonder how they came up with that one....
and because it's just really gonna tickle my funny bone to figure this out:
- Fan, Bill, levande ni som svin!! <<<<< that's the "Shit, Bill... " line- in case you didn't figure it out!
(Now..... I knew the word "FAN" -but I didn't know how to SPELL it!!!! FAN!?!?? FAN!?!?! )
OKAYYYY!!!...now that's REALLY LOL funny!!!!!!-
FAN for SHIT- huh? FAN for SHIT!?!? .....it makes HÖST seem kinda normal ,huh!?!?.....
man-o-man.....it's gonna be a LONGGGGG ASSSSS WINTER at this rate......(and.... i'll save THAT translation for another day!)