i cannot even begin to tell you how utterly delighted, thrilled and ecstatic I am that I have a fully functional husband- and by that -you can cut off the free shots at that right now- (you people who never get your minds out of the gutter....)
but my Darling Swede is fully functional, in the fact that he can actually DO HOUSE THINGS! From my past marriage to a way-too-affected City Guy( which begs to be asked why...) who's idea of home repair was to call the super, to this.
Now all of a sudden, it's:
"gee ,honey, I think I'd like this chandelier here, that one there...... well,no , maybe this one here and that one there......could we try that again?....."- all delivered with all that Swedish patience and tolerance that I got when I met the dude at the bar in India. Now I gotta tell ya this is a source of delight for me ,the depths of which I cannot even describe!
ah,at last!!!! I found it!
-a fully functional HUSBAND!
for a girl like me , there is NO end to the delights of having a husband like that. I mean , i might modestly boast, that back home in New York City, NONE of us had one, though many of us wanted one, and NOW! yaha! I HAVE one!.....
The very first weekend of my "new life" here on the Polar Ice Cap, we had gone off to get the Darling Husband's Mothers' apartment ready for sale in LISLIK. I watched in utter amazement and delight when I discovered that my fiance knew how to wall-paper and called home to brag to all my City friends- who i think were likewise as shocked and amazed as I was. I had myself a totally functional hubbie!
(as an aside, I will say that the rest of the family seemed to know how to wallpaper , to different degrees,too. And apparently most everyone in Sweden is abundantly aware of wallpapering,etc- that most antiquated of wall preparations in the US....)This is because in Sweden, the perception is is that wall-papering is actually easier than painting and thus a close inspection of most any wall here- one will note that they're all wall-papered even if it is with just "texture wallpaper"- that which like other things makes me slightly nuts , but I digress. This is a "non-bitch' post today, at least....
So today -as one must on this part of the world, prepare for the long hard DARK winter that we know is to come,( even though the gorgeous sun outside today, seemed to attempt to deny this inevitability) we decided it was electricity day in the home. As the sun is now setting around 8 or a bit after in the evening,we know those days of infinite darkness are not too far off at all...
We needed LJUS!
There's a lot of LAMPOR around this place I detest ( typical rental place stuff) and I brought a lot of lampor over here from the States just in case.
So-up went the big old Third Reich chandelier that had been sitting on the floor in the living room for HALF a YEAR now,actually cajoling us into the false belief that we had just "moved in". Never you mind that it had American wiring in it and it never will be functional ( hurray! je deteste over head lighting!) Sixten looked on in horror- he seems to have no problems with over head lighting at all- nor does the hubbie-but I chalk it up to a non-observant-guy thang. ( i'll show 'em! ^_-!) .
Up went the adorable library lamps from IKEA purchased back in April. And down went all these ultra-nasty cheapie-creepie hyra lägenhet lighting fixtures that had been making me crazy for months! I have a whole bag of crappy lighting to stick back up someday when we move out.
Up went the adorable white modern overhead light rescued from dear friend recently departed back to the States.....it looks perfect where I put it- correction: where Mr. Fix It put it.
All because my perfectly pleasant Mr. Fix-It man patiently removed and replaced and removed and replaced lighting fixtures all over the house- much to my great delight and satisfaction! THE THRILL of it all!!!
I could watch with rapt attention for hours on end as he uses all kinds of knives and screwdrivers and ladders to achieve better lighting fixtures for our home!
What a guy! What a talent! What thrills!
Lesson for the SOUL today; I know it existed within the realm of possibiility that I could have found an American Fix-It guy-there are plenty of shows that testify to that on TV-but- , I sure do put it happily in the "Sweden plus" column that my adorable Swedish guy can do this! Be thankful for what wonderful "gifts' you give ,even if you do have to go to the Polar Ice Cap to find them!
two swedish words for the day:
VARDE LJUS! that is " Let there be light!"
(-or none in the case of nasty over-head lighting at least.) I like how that sounds in Swedish at least-)
VARDE LJUS! ( oh, those of you that have had no swedish at all- have no idea that LJUS - is pronounced YOOUS! - as in "You's guys!" - that favourite Jersey phrase....but a bit gentler....at least.....)
okay- and how CUTE is this!-
your Swedish Mr. Fix-It Man is known as a "ALLT-I-ALLO MAN!" - kinda means an all-in-everything kinda guy..I think that is WAY cute...sounds a bit "gay" as in you can see a Monty Python kinda Allt-i-Allo man tripping gaily up your front steps.... but,still, way cute.....
And as I sit cozily under (my thrillingly non-functional) third reich chandelier, I am busily trying to concott the next ask for my perfectly wonderful ALLT-I-ALLO MAN.
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