oh god.
today i make my way to the first day of SFI (that's swedish for: Svenska For Invandarare) -
or something close-aka: Swedish for Immigrant(Idiots).
that's me....
and on the 4th of September, I am being forced to head out into winds, as the title states above-strong enough( not to mention cold enough) to freeze or rip your T#*$ OFF!
In one single day- i am now going to have to go straight for the "bulk" of my clothing collection-
the HEAVY sweater.....
all while NYC ( mitt hemland) is enjoying some of what they often call the 10 best days of the year).......perfect temperatures, perfect sky, bellissimo....( the tragic fact that Olivia and I also call it "September 11th weather" will be left for another post...)
The trees, that I so love, off my balcony are loud and noisy in the whipping and beating that they are taking from the wind and nasty off-and-on spats of rain....
by the end of next week I am quite sure they will be ripped back to their grey gnarly bark for the next .....forever....
there is no joy in this.
and it's the price you pay for living on the North Pole.
and there's not a dang thing more to be said about it either- least I'm late for that SFI class today....
so-it's a pretty thin one today but-
MY LESSON FOR THE SOUL TODAY IS: be thankful if only for the convenient opportunity that the Swedish Government has provided me- a free activity to participate in INSIDE while the WINDS RIP UP the WORLD OUTSIDE: free swedish lessons with a whole bunch of other Invandarare put there to amuse me-ha!
NOW if I could only get there in one piece.
Swedish words for the day:vinden slita dina bröst off - which is in english-the title of this post- .....and if you can't figure out what "bröst" is - or what "T@*# " are- you are apparently too young to be reading my blog- and I'll ask you to get off of here immediately....
this, I think is going to get quite ...ugly.....
Stay tuned- next week! - a 5 part dissertation on one of the major banes of my existence here:
Swedes and SHOES....
and yes, it's worthy of a whole weeks worth of blogs, truly .
note: Dissertation shall include , but not be limited to, why I believe that Joe Cocker is really ...a swede in disguise....
now you think on THAT for the weekend - and come back for the answer next week- okay!?
1 comment:
wow, first day of SFI ! Now this I HAVE to hear about. Stay strong, be brave, and, above all, resist the urge to throttle the retired pole dancers.
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